Cornacoeano; . ..t to fqhpeKrop :-_ O'OO "Koru6uHar nuraHVA" lO.Koourpeea 19,11.2024 (emopuux) IfdneecKoil IIIJ. 1-4xn .\'q I | 0oo.0l 902 8{2 'ounnexc 226 pyd Ia urtettosattHc 6;lro,,ta xxCrrpuuxa c g6loxonr Mo,roxo cfyqeHHoe Kaua f,qHeBa.s Moror{Has B.g3Ka.g c MacJroM ClTLTBOt{HbIM I 188 897 9afi c caxapoM X,re6 nuregrquttfi l0r6 9-+3 | 0?.7.23 516 97 1 897 I ll8 0 }I{rpsr 80 8,8 9 t5,93 I 20 1,58 2 10,88 64.2 200 4.48 4 35,08 198,4 l6 63.8 20 ) t! I 10.7 54.r1 520 t7 l6 88,59 562 40 5,48 6 6.36 99,3 200 )o) 4 t2,62 118 r 100 I{roro ta 3aeroar 806. I 3 ,:1:::".1 )rrrxa;r Iie.r xr.r lluro;l Ma$Suu eauumHtrfi@ Cyn-nrope oeorquofi fpeuxu r43 rrureHLrr{uoro x,re6a x*Kor,tera floxaocxas MaxapoHHtre u31ervfl orBapHbre c LIafi aro4ur,lil X,re6 nrueuaqHtlii Xre6 pxaHofi IIyx penuarufi MacJroM l0 t'l 90 12.9 l0 ) 7,8 | 40 162 t50 6,47 40.96 212 7 200 0.1 t6 59.e 30 1tl 16.05 82.2 20 1.7 I 1.7 5 1.8 I I Ilroro :ra O6er Ilroro ra nenr fi0.8 741 I 261 0.01 0,t 826 33,t8 27 Ii I.5l 50,1 8 43 200, I uornacoBaHo: I 388 lo AilpeKrop OOO "Koru6rnar NNTAHNA,, lO.Koaurpeea 20.11.2024 (cpeda) ff one e cKo it IIIJ. .\! I -4 rcn llaHuetronarrxe 6",lola I i30.0 I rH2 t.r 5.0 5 'onnnexc 226 pyo Iluxol r I *E,tngqnrVt X,re6 nruegurulL,li4 897 I I 052 l-r08.02 995 -18-.1 897 rH8 0 20 0,02 190 4.85 200 0,1 30 Ilroro 02 Yrucso- 3 2t.3 I29.5 3.:8 13.5 ')lI rxarr MacJ'IoM LIail qrolHtrtl 1 }Kupsr 60 fIoea4,ro Karxa pacoBat MoIOqHar )KuAKafl c CJ'IHBOT{HbIM 97 Iierrcr.r ra ?aernax Boptq c xanycrofi, xaproSelena u cueranofi V4.o Kyp orBapHoe (anq repBbrx 6moa) 6 1 200 3,03 1.48 I I6 16.05 3.21 500 30, l0 86,73 6 I 3,87 0,04 195.3 qo 0 n2 4 f,t0.1 il8 **Earoqer rcvDunsrii 5 1,15 90 t4.77 t9 IIrope rcaprocfe:rruoe Llafi c JnrMoHoM 150 3.3 l0 200 0.09 20.26 79 30 1)l I 16.05 82.2 25 2,t3 I 14,63 64,8 X,re6 nlrenuquttfi Xne6 pNaHofi t{ecsox I 0,01 I{roro ra O6er Irono la aeHs 701 I 201 I 1.8 t64.6 37 .t7 230 rJ 0,03 0.2 27.7 38 I02,05 751_4 39.1 8 48 1u8,78 r 23 l.lJ to AnpeKrop Cornacoaano: nv'fiaHtAA" lO.Koeutpeaa 21,11.2024 (vemeepz) IloneecKbit .\! IIIY 1-4xn l6frnneKc 226 py6 BurroarlETK*lxllbl llaulreHosaHile 6Ltnaa It't}DLI r 0.+6 891 I t88 897 lr+8 Bvrep6poa c noBHAnoM Ovrer c rcapro$elenr LIafi c caxapoM X,re6 nureHaqurtii X,re6 pxtaHoil 1l7.06 516 930 897 l 118 0 13.65 3.t) ')Il rr.,a.', 1) l3 l() t7 l9,2tt 2n3.6 l6 63.11 ) I 8.73 95.9 4 I 14.63 6.1 l{ 500 2l _71 2l 90.71 61t.5 200 | .18 3 6,4 ;75 90 10,08 25 3,41 150 6,41 5 40,96 200 0,12 14.85 6l.l 30 3.21 t6.05 t{? ? 30 2.5s Ilrono :a O6ea 701 ?t ql 35 99,3 107 4 IIroro ta aenu I 20t 45,62 56 190.07 I 318,9 25 u: c6opHltx oeoqefr c 3eJteHblM roDorrlKoM. co cverauoft ** H3 Mqca cBI4HI.IHbI Marapossrte Lr3Aenus orBapHble c MacnoM Hanurox -flroAra Xre6 nurenuqutrfi X,re6 pxaHoil JIyx penuarsrfi S- 200 35 C.v..n CornacoeaH.o: 2.18 200 l'lroro rR 3arrpan I 0q3 40 ":T:" | 2.1 3 I 216,1 )l) 1 71 -7 {). 0.01 to I AilpeKrop oro nhraHnH" OOO "Kou6nnar lO.Koautpeea 2 floneecKoit KN l. 2. I 2 02 4 (nt nt ut4u) r oMnneKc 226 pyo BsrxoA flalrNreHoeaHue 6.'Itoaa r Eerxu Xnprr VrJteeo- ?[ rxan IYDhI rrI 976 85 .fl6,roxu cBex(He Kaila nrxeHLIrIHat MoroqHas c MacJIoM I 120 0.48 200 9,63 8 | 1.76 88 12.03 23tt t6 Cr'IHBOLIHbIM 188 I 89" tlail c caxapoM 200 X,re6 uneHuqHstfi I'Iroro ra 34p1p4x 3r8 l0l5 0:a l Canar us 6e,'IoxoqaHHoii Kanycrbl c 998 l Coyc 126 l-18 0 tlecHox 8()I rouaruufr Hanarox 143 fiJroAoB trIunoBHI4Ka X,-re6 nileHnqultfr X,re6 pxauofi 705 2.14 I 10.7 54.8 t2.25 9 70.49 444,6 .05 3 5.95 56.6 200 4.3It -) t2.24 lt0 0_04 I t.lJ 182.9 60 I \IODKOBbtO C MaCJTOM paCTHTeIbHblM Cyn-,,ranua Ha KyptzHoM 6Y,'rsoHe Msco x\,p orBapHoe (a,u nepesrx 6,rroa) **Kor,rera KyptIHat Kaura fpelrHeBas paccblnqarat 1.108 20 540 ) l.l5 90 16.41 zl 0.1 8 150 7.55 1 43,85 30 0,1 8 200 0,68 20 Uroro sa O6er Llroro la aeus I.l t.7 I 0,01 I to 47 .5 }.8 16.1 I20.6 4 20 1316 1,13 ll{ I 10,7 51.13 lt,7 0,03 (\) 40 r 12,05 846.2 49 I 82.54 I 290.u